K&N’s Carl Renezeder Endures the Inaugural Red Bull Frozen Rush

Carl Renezeder headed at Sun River Resort in Newry, Maine for the Red Bull Frozen Rush
Carl Renezeder headed at Sun River Resort in Newry, Maine for the Red Bull Frozen Rush
The Red Bull Frozen Rush, with a "Polar Vortex" twist, is not a slushy cocktail concoction mixed with the well-known energy drink and sipped through a straw. Although it's reasonable to assume that it's being invented as you read this. It is in fact the racing brainchild of Red Bull, who somehow convinced the folks at Sunday River Resort in Newry, Maine, into letting them convert one of their ski runs into an off-road short course, complete with jumps.

With eight of the world's best Pro-4 drivers in the inaugural race, competing in 900-horsepower carbureted and naturally aspirated V-8s, the pieces were in place for some insanely entertaining, albeit unchartered racing. And just to dial the crazy-meter up another notch, one additional unforeseen ingredient got tossed into the mix, the devastatingly frigid Polar Vortex, which descended onto the eastern states only a week before the event and created a number of delays.
Carl Renezeder blow torching his feet to warm them up
Carl Renezeder blow torching his feet to warm them up

"The polar vortex ended up not really being a big factor in the overall race," said Lucas Oil Off Road legend, Carl Renezeder, "Unless you include the fact that it really interrupted our travel, and we had a limited time for practice.

"I thought it would be fun to see the capabilities of my Pro-4 in a different environment, and to compete with other Pro-4 drivers to test my skills," continued Renezeder about why he started his 2014 racing season early. Thursday's qualifying saw Renezeder place third in this new, skill-testing environment, after his single day of practice on Wednesday.

On race day Friday, K&N's Renezeder and Ricky Johnson squared-off on the slippery slopes of the Sunday River Ski resort. Throughout lap one Renezeder and Johnson battled it out, but on lap two, as Renezeder was picking up speed over some hard, slick ice, he over-rotated and got stuck on the K-rail. Johnson went on to win that round and ultimately the race. Disappointed in his run, Renezeder magnanimously stated "I had a great time, lots of fun tackling a new terrain and learning how drive in icy conditions. I only wish I could have had more track time in the snow."

According to the drivers the conditions weren't all that different from racing in the desert. In fact, they said, the studded tires gave them more grip and that their overall traction in the snow was actually more consistent than on dirt. "Driving in the snow was surprisingly similar to driving in sand," confirmed Renezeder. "It did allow me to drive a little more aggressively, and I think this experience will certainly help me if I have to race in the snow or sand again. I'm already looking forward to next year's event. I wonder where they'll have the next Frozen Rush?"

If the Polar Vortex prevented you from making it out to rural Maine to witness the event in person, you can still catch the Frozen Rush in the comfort of your home. Red Bull will air the race as part of the Red Bull Signature Series on NBC on Super Bowl Sunday, February 2, at 3 pm Eastern.