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El Sistema de Toma de Aire K&N para el Mitsubishi Lancer añade Potencia y Aceleración

El AirCharger 63-5506 de K&N es una mejora simple, fácil, llave en mano

The AirCharger se adapta al OE MAF y la manguera de ventilación del cárter, así se no requiere reprogramacion

Los motores tanto para el 2015 - 2016 Mitsubishi Lancer como para los temibles modelos EVO han sido el resultado de un proyecto de desarrollo conjunto entre Chrysler, Hyundai y Mitsubishi, bajo el nombre de GEMA (Global Engine Manufacturing Alliance Alianza Global de Manufacturación de Motores). El diseño inicial del bloque del motor y la culata quedó en manos de Hyundai.

El diseño del motor cuenta con un bloque de aluminio con revestimiento de cilindro de hierro fundido, con una cabeza de cilindro de aluminio con un diseño de cuatro válvulas por cilindro, y doble árbol de levas por encima. Mitsubishi desarrolló independientemente los colectores de toma y escape, los puertos de toma y escape, y otros elementos relacionados con el ajuste del motor para la versión 4B1 del mismo.

La versión 2.0L del motor, llamada el 4B11, ofrece una proporción cilindro: carrera de 1: 1 (3.38 pulgadas cada uno), que se conoce como cuadrado. Según Mitsubishi, estas dimensiones del cilindro permiten que el motor desarrolle una energía máxima relativamente alta en 6500 rpm, y para proporcionar un reparto de energía más lineal y una curva de par más ancha, para lograr una mejor flexibilidad mientras conduce.

Gran parte del aumento del rendimiento se puede atribuir al filtro de aire cónico de gran tamaño.

El escudo térmico incluido evita que el aire caliente del motor salga del conducto de toma de aire.

El motor 2.4L 4B12 alcanza su desplazamiento aumentado mediante el uso de un cilindro de diámetro ligeramente más ancho, de 3.46 pulgadas, y un recorrido de carrera más largo de 3,82 pulgadas, lo que explica el mayor desplazamiento del motor. Mitsubishi fue una de las primeras empresas en reconocer la necesidad de equilibrar las fuerzas vibratorias de un motor de cuatro cilindros, y obtuvo la patente de un eje de equilibrio contrarrotativo (la licencia de la cual posteriormente concedió a Porsche, entre otros). A medida que los ingenieros han mejorado en las fuerzas de equilibrio, hay menos necesidad de equilibrio adicional. Por ejemplo, el 4B12 sólo cuenta con una pequeño barra contrarrotatoria para equilibrar, la cual funciona fuera de la tracción de la bomba de aceite.

Y mientras que la arquitectura del 4B11 y 4B12 tiene mucho en común con los poderosos motores EVO, actualizarlos para ofrecer niveles EVO de potencia y par sería una tarea difícil y costosa. Hay una manera de mejorar el rendimiento de su Mitsubishi 2015 - 2016 por menos del precio de un palo de golf de calidad: el sistema de toma de aire AirCharger 63-5506 de K&N. El sistema ha sido probado con dinamómetro en el chasis para demostrar una ganancia estimada de 5,41 caballos de potencia sobre un Mitsubishi Lancer de 2.4 litros sin alteraciones.

El sistema de toma de aire AirCharger 63-5506 de K&N reemplaza los restrictivos filtros de aire de fábrica y cajas de toma de aire en los modelos de Mitsubishi Lancer 2015-2016 2.0L y 2.4L. Los AirChargers de K&N reducen significativamente la restricción del flujo de aire entrante, así como reducen la turbulencia en el tubo de entrada de aire. Esto permite que su motor, con cada golpe de toma de aire, atraíga un mayor volumen de aire de lo que lo haría el ensamblaje de fábrica del filtro. El aire se dirige a través de un tubo de entrada probado aerodinámicamente en el cuerpo del acelerador del motor, para obtener una ganancia de potencia garantizada. El tubo de entrada es compatible con el sensor de masa de aire de fábrica y la manguera de ventilación del cárter.

Enlace al vídeo del sistema de toma de aire frío K&N instalado en un camión.

Haga clic aquí para ver un video sobre los sistemas de toma de aire frío de K&N.

Gran parte del aumento del rendimiento se puede atribuir al filtro de aire cónico de gran tamaño fabricado a partir de múltiples capas de materiales de filtro de algodón engrasado, que ofrece menos resistencia que los filtros tradicionales. El material de filtro de algodón multicapa también filtra las micropartículas que podrían dañar su motor. Cada diseño se verifica a través del laboratorio de pruebas de filtración de K&N, que se ajusta a las normas ISO 5011, asegurando que los filtros K&N proporcionan un alto flujo de aire sin poner en riesgo la protección del motor.

Lo mejor de todo es que el sistema de toma de aire AirCharger de K&N se puede instalar en 90 minutos o menos con sencillas herramientas de mano como un conjunto de trinquete, unos destornilladores y un par de llaves. Todas las herramientas necesarias se listan en las instrucciones, que son claras, van paso a paso, están ilustradas con fotos, son específicas de su automóvil y vienen incluidas en el paquete.

Y una vez que haya instalado su filtro K& N, ha eliminado la necesidad de comprar otro filtro de aire para el resto de vida de su Lancer 2015 - 2016 asegurado. El único mantenimiento es un servicio que puede llevar a cabo usted mismo en casi nada de tiempo. A intervalos de 160.000 kilómetros (dependiendo de sus condiciones de conducción) use el kit de recarga K&N 99-5000 para limpiar fácilmente su filtro de aire AirCharger, dejándolo preparado para otros 160.000 kilómetros de conducción. El filtro de aire K&N que compre está diseñado para durar toda la vida de su vehículo, algo que K&N garantiza realizará hasta 10 años o 1.000.000 de kilómetros sin necesidad de reemplazo.

El 63-5506 de K&N es compatible con los siguientes vehículos:

2016 MITSUBISHI LANCER 2.4L L4 Fuel Injection - w/Manual Trans.
2016 MITSUBISHI LANCER 2.0L L4 Fuel Injection - w/Manual Trans.
2015 MITSUBISHI LANCER 2.4L L4 Fuel Injection - w/Manual Trans.
2015 MITSUBISHI LANCER 2.0L L4 Fuel Injection - w/Manual Trans.

Para todas las tomas de aire para modelos Lancer, visite la página Mitsubishi Lancer Air Intakes.



La Escuela European Rally and Motorsports Park en Florida utiliza K&N en sus Vehículos

La escuela European Rally and Motorsport Park es quizás la que tiene las instalaciones más completas para deportes de motor en los Estados Unidos. Está localizada al norte de Florida Central y ofrece conducción de alto rendimiento, cursos para piloto de cuatrimoto, conducción de rally, y cursos para conducción de SUV, entre otros.

La escuela European Rally and Motorsports Park tiene su sede en el norte de Florida Central y cuenta con un diseño europeo para conducción de alto rendimiento, conducción de rally, conducción de SUV, y más.
La escuela European Rally and Motorsports Park tiene su sede en el norte de Florida Central y cuenta con un diseño europeo para conducción de alto rendimiento, conducción de rally, conducción de SUV, y más.

La escuela European Rally and Motorsports Park ondea banderas de K&N a lo largo de todas sus instalaciones.
La escuela European Rally and Motorsports Park ondea banderas de K&N a lo largo de todas sus instalaciones.
Ivor y Anita Wigham son los propietarios de la escuela. La pareja se mudó de Inglaterra a Florida hace casi dos décadas y ambos competían en rallies. "Llegamos a los Estados Unidos solo para echar un vistazo, se presentó la oportunidad y nos mudamos”, dijo Wigham. "Ahora tenemos 50 vehículos, seis instructores que trabajan tiempo completo, y 20 que laboran medio tiempo."
El curso Safari de tres millas en cuatrimoto que ofrece la escuela tiene 70 obstáculos, que fueron diseñados para los Grupos de Fuerzas Especiales Militares
El curso Safari de tres millas en cuatrimoto que ofrece la escuela tiene 70 obstáculos, que fueron diseñados para los Grupos de Fuerzas Especiales Militares

Los cursos de cuatrimoto de la escuela ofrecen todos los aspectos relacionados con la conducción hasta niveles muy avanzados
Los cursos de cuatrimoto de la escuela ofrecen todos los aspectos relacionados con la conducción hasta niveles muy avanzados

Los vehículos en el recinto están equipados con productos K&N, específicamente el 69-6543TP, 69-8003TFK, 33-2154, 33-2129, 33-2232, PL-1003, PL-5008, HP-1008, HP-1007, HP-6001 y KN-198.

"K&N es muy bueno para nuestro negocio", dijo Wigham. "K&N es un excelente producto, y estamos enamorados de la Garantía Limitada de Un Millón de Millas de K&N. Obtenemos filtrado extra, más potencia, y K&N es rentable gracias a su gran duración."

La escuela European Rally School and Motorsport Park también tiene un curso “Safari” de cuatrimotos. Es un trayecto personalizado de tres millas que se expande a través de la jungla de Florida. La pista también cuenta con varios obstáculos como troncos apilados, saltos, agujeros de bombas, subidas muy empinadas, ondulaciones extremas en el camino, y mucho más

"Ofrecemos entrenamiento en cuatrimoto para el ejército", dijo Wigham. “Tenemos el terreno, los obstáculos y los cruces de agua que replican las situaciones a las que podrían enfrentarse nuestros soldados en Afganistán. También contamos con entrenamiento nocturno. Hay una forma correcta y una incorrecta de montar una cuatrimoto sobre una gigantesca montaña, y brindamos ese conocimiento."

Los Wigham ondean banderas de K&N a lo largo de sus instalaciones, y les entregan folletos con información de K&N a los que asisten a sus clases. Su nuevo curso de 16 carreteras pavimentadas de 2.0 millas tiene cambios de elevación, vueltas en curvas convexas, crestas y curvas ciegas. "Desde carreras hasta conducción de rally o de alto rendimiento, tenemos algo para casi todos", dijo Wingham. "Las carreras son excelentes para liberar el estrés".

Encuentre productos K&N para su vehículo mediante la búsqueda de aplicaciones K&N, y después utilice la búsqueda de distribuidores K&N para encontrar un distribuidor de K&N en su locación.

Rod Parsons' Fully Custom 1967 ZL1 C10 Pickup was Featured at the 2016 SEMA Show

Originally a Subaru color, Desert Khaki was tweaked by the truck owner to achieve his vision

Finished in Desert Khaki, the ZL1 C10 stuns with its subtle yet attention-grabbing prescence

Sometimes what you’re looking for is right under your nose and you don’t even know it. Take the example of Rod Parsons, from Ripley, West Virginia. Through friends, he met Greg Killen of The Project Shop. Despite owning a couple of collision repair facilities of his own, he took his re-restored 1967 Corvette a few hundred miles to Greg to paint, not wanting to pull one of his crew off paying work.

While at The Project Shop he noticed a dilapidated 1967 Chevrolet C10 pickup Greg had bought to fix and sell quickly. After a few years, the timing seemed right. Greg hadn’t gotten anywhere on the truck and Rod decided to buy it off of him as the basis for his next project. That was about three years ago.

When Rod was going through the paperwork for the truck, he found that it had been pulled out of a salvage yard in his hometown of Ripley (believe it or not). The truck had sat, right under his nose, not more than a mile or two from his shops, in the same little town of 3,256 inhabitants. Go figure.

The suspension clearly communicates the truck as ready for an autocross as a truck show

The rear suspension looks very NASCAR with a 9" rear, coilovers, adjustable roll bar and disc brakes

So began the task of building the perfect show truck. Rod has been building and modifying his cars for 40 years and his resume includes, among others, a 1941 Willys truck, a 1933 Ford Five Window, and a 1967 Nova, so he knows what he likes. Asked why he was willing to invest so much into the ZL1 C10, he responded “I’ve built cars my whole life. I’ve had a lot of nice rides but have always wanted to build one just right.” So he enlisted Greg and The Project Shop to build out his dream.

Since what Rod bought was really just a cab and a chassis, the first thing they did was to discard the outdated chassis. In its place is a No Limit Engineering frame with No Limit independent front suspension carrying RideTech coilovers and a Flaming River race-spec rack and pinion.

At the rear is a nine-inch Moser rear axle with 3.70 gears and an Autotech WAVETRAC diff, connected to the chassis via a No Limit four-bar linkage with RideTech coilovers. To keep everything under control Speedway NASCAR-type adjustable anti-roll bars round out the suspension.

The carbon fiber ZL1 hood scoop feeds intake air into the K&N panel air filter

The carbon fiber ZL1 hood scoop has been grafted onto the C10 steel hood and is fully operational

Powering the truck is a 6.2L V8 Chevrolet Performance LSA crate engine, which is a version of the motor in the Gen 5 Camaro. Straight out of the crate the engine produces 556 horsepower and 551 lb-ft of torque – plenty of power to push the ZL1 C10 down the street or around the track. Despite the fact that the LSA is a crate motor, it’s manufactured with the same reinforced aluminum cylinder block casting, forged steel crankshaft supported by six-bolt mains, powdered metal rods, and aluminum pistons as the mighty Camaro motor. The engine was installed four inches rearward in the chassis to improve handling.

It also features L92 high-flow cylinder heads that support the airflow drawn through the K&N panel air filter cleverly mounted to capture incoming air through the hood scoop. Said scoop is actually a carbon fiber ZL1 hood grafted onto the C10 steel hood. The panel filter itself is a K&N 33-2035 for the ZR1 Corvette. The filter was chosen as its shape was a better fit. The air coming through is then passed off to the Eaton EVS 1.9L supercharger. Bolted up to the motor is a Chevrolet Performance Supermatic 4L85E four-speed automatic, selected for its ability to handle the LSA’s diesel-like 551 lb-ft of torque.

The Chevrolet LSA engine is fed clean air from a custom mounted K&N 33-2035

The Chevrolet LSA engine is fed clean air from a custom mounted K&N 33-2035

Wheels are from B-Forged, sized 20x10-inch up front and 20x12-inch in the rear, with custom ZL1 C10 center caps. Tires are grippy 295/40R20 and 335/40R20 Michelin Pilot Super Sports, with 14-inch front and rear rotors with six-piston calipers front and four-piston units out back, all from Wilwood, bringing this enterprise to a quick stop when needed.

But while suspension components and engine specs are impressive, it’s the attention to detail that’s been put into this truck that truly sets it apart. Owner Rod Parsons says he lost numerous nights’ sleep worrying over the details. To him, the components of the truck that the eye can see are even more important than what was hidden underneath, and that’s a tall order.

A K&N panel filter from a ZR1 Corvette is utilized to best fit the available space

Fresh intake air is drawn through the ZL1 hood, through the K&N panel filter, and on to the blower

What first grabs your attention, from one hundred feet away or more, is the color. It started out as a color called Desert Khaki, which was tweaked by Rod to meet his vision of how the truck should appear.

Now while Rod is obsessive, like insisting on aerospace-type 12-point stainless steel fasteners be used throughout the vehicle, he’s not necessarily brand loyal. He’s selected items that will work best on the truck and not just from one brand or company’s catalog. For example, a Ford-style rear end is one tip-off, but here are a few more: the paint color came originally from Subaru, for which they won the Color Grand Prix in Japan. The seats are from a Pontiac G8, the outside mirrors are from a Ford Mustang, the air filter from a ZR-1 Corvette, the door handles from a Chevrolet Equinox, just to name a few.

The gray of the wheel center is carried through the interior as an accent color

The wheels are B-Forged, sized 20”x10” up front and 20”x12” out back with custom ZL1 C10 center caps

Look too for how many ZL1 C10 logos you can find on the truck. They’re on the center caps for the wheels, the steering wheel hub, tailgate, and more. Rod even commissioned a custom blower hat and valve covers from C. Cook Enterprises with the ZL1 C10 logo.

The gray of the wheel centers perfectly contrasts with the painted sheet metal. Further, that same gray was carried into the interior of the ZL1 C10 to interlink the interior with the exterior of the truck. Inside, the factory dashboard was reinstalled with two inches more rake, making the gauges easier to read. A custom-made billet replica of the original instrument panel, painted body color, houses Auto Cross gauges from Classic Instruments. Credit goes to Steve Holcomb at Pro Auto Custom Interiors for the implementation of the interior, including pulling the gray of the wheel centers into the cab as an accent color.

Nothing has been left untouched in the interior, adding modern comforts and conveniences

The dash has been angled for better viewing, with a billet instrument panel housing the gauges

While the exterior of the truck may appear largely stock, even from certain angles up close, nothing could be further from the truth. The front bumper has been narrowed, with a chin spoiler beneath. Front and rear glass has been flush-mounted and side windows replaced with one-piece glass, eliminating the vent windows.

All hardware was removed from the bed and the entire assembly was welded, filled, and reassembled, which now presents a completely clean look. FYI, over 150 feet of weld was required to hang the bed together. The bed floor was raised four inches and the width of the rear wheel arches was increased by 2.5” on each side to accommodate the 335mm section width tires. The tailgate was filled and the release moved inside the bed. Beneath it the bodywork is rolled into a diffuser, and hanging on for dear life at the top of the tailgate is a NASCAR-like rear spoiler that communicates to anyone within range that this truck is as much for go as it is for show.

The truck bed alone is a work of art, with over 150 feet of welds required to remove all fasteners

The bed floor has been raised 2", the wheel tubs widened, and all bolts removed, welded, and filled

Greg Killen of The Project Shop built the truck and is responsible for most of the custom fabrication, including the engine bay’s custom intake to pull air in from the ZL1 C10 hybrid hood and thru the K&N 33-2035 panel filter.

Rod credits Ralph Whisenhunt for working with Greg and keeping the project moving, and WD Moore for figuring out how to wire modern systems into a 50-year-old truck. Rod largely credits Greg for the success of the project. “I feel Greg’s multiple talents, workmanship, and our vision has produced a one-of-a-kind special truck.” All the effort has been recognized by the company that built the C10 in the first place. At the 2016 SEMA Show, the ZL1 C10 was honored with a GM Design Award.

Photos courtesy Classic Trucks Magazine



The Winningest Short-Course Racer in History Carl Renezeder to Retire After 2017

Carl Renezeder with his #1 plate

Carl Renezeder has earned more short course #1 plates than anyone in racing history

With 121 wins, 9 short course championships, and 8 cup wins, Carl Renezeder is arguably one of the most dominant off-road racers of all time. K&N has been a proud sponsor of Team Renezeder Racing for well over a decade.

Renezeder is understandably reflective about his amazing career and what it has meant to him. He is also extremely grateful to those in his extended racing circle. Teamwork has always been the signature trademark in Renezeder’s career.

"Each moment behind the wheel has been a learning experience and a great privilege," said Renezeder. “As I look toward the future and my retirement from racing, I am overwhelmed by the great memories I have made with my family, my team, my sponsors, and all of my fans. I have gained lifelong friendships”

While 2017 will be his final racing season, Renezeder is locked and loaded to give race fans a reason to cheer at each stop of the Lucas Oil Off Road Racing Series. Renezeder has voiced his desire to race harder than ever before and leave his fans, race crew, and sponsors with a memorable final season.

Carl Renezeder jumping in the Lucas Oil Off Road Racing Series

Renezeder has jumped to career heights no other off-road racer ever has

When Renezeder closes this chapter in his professional life, he will start page one of the next chapter. "To those who wonder what I'm doing next, go check out the Warner Brothers Studios movie, DIRT, which will be hitting theaters this coming fall," Renezeder said.

K&N congratulates Carl Renezeder on an amazing off-road racing career. It has been an honor to be an integral part of Team Renezeder Racing all of these years.

Race fans can experience the first act of Renezeder’s farewell tour in round one of the Lucas Oil Off-Road Racing Series at the Wild Horse Pass Motorsports Park in Chandler, Arizona.

2017 Lucas Oil Off Road Racing Series

Carl Renezeder jumping in the Lucas Oil Off Road Racing Series

While Renezeder may be driving off into the sunset in his racing career, he still has big life plans

APRIL 22/23,2017, Wild Horse Pass Motorsports Park, Arizona

MAY 20/21, 2017, Estero Beach Resort, Ensenada, Mexico

JUNE 24/25, 2017, Utah Motorsports Campus, Utah

JULY 22/23, 2017, Lucas Oil Speedway, Missouri

AUGUST 26/27, 2017, Wild West Motorsports, Nevada

SEPTEMBER 15/16, 2017, Glen Helen Raceway, California

OCTOBER 21/22, 2017, Wild Horse Pass Motorsports Park, Arizona



Washable K&N Cabin Air Filters Make Semi Cabs a More Hospitable Environment

The cab of semi trucks is where the driver eats, sleeps, and works. It should be getting the cleanest air possible.

The cab of semi trucks is where the driver eats, sleeps, and works. It should be getting the cleanest air possible.

Just about all of us drive to and from work. However, some of us drive for work. These men and women spend day in and day out in the cab of their vehicle. These can be patrol officers, delivery personnel, or truck drivers, among other professions. For most truck drivers, the road is their home. They eat, sleep, and work in the cab of their big rigs. They see all parts of this country and all the good and bad that comes with it. The bad we are talking about here is the pollen, dust, germs, spores, fungus, mold, mildew, and everything else in the air that truck drivers have to endure day in and day out. If you are a truck driver out there, spending so much time in the cab of your truck, why not make it a little more hospitable?

Thanks to K&N, you can do just that. As a part of K&N’s line of washable and reusable cabin air filters, they have introduced the K&N VF8000. This cabin air filter replaces the stock cabin air filter in most 2002 and newer Freightliner trucks, including Century Class, Columbia and Coronado, and Cascadia models. K&N cabin air filters are the first of their kind designed to replace the stock cabin filter for a washable and reusable version. These filters clean and freshen the incoming air, removing potentially harmful pollutants before the air enters the cab of your truck.

Thanks to the washable and reusable properties of these filters, when the filter gets dirty, instead of throwing it away and spending money on another paper air filter, all you have to do is remove the filter and clean it with K&N’s 99-6000 cabin air filter cleaner. Once the filter has been rinsed clean, just respray it with the K&N refresher spray that comes in the kit. This spray helps add an electrostatic property to the filter. This actually grabs and holds onto contaminants, holding them in place until it is time to clean the filter again.

K&N is so sure of the quality of their cabin air filters that they guarantee them with a 10-Year/Million Mile Limited Warranty. They are able to last this long because of the quality of materials used. To start, the innovative synthetic filter media is sandwiched between a pair of epoxy coated aluminum mesh layers. This gives the filter rigidity and durability. This is then pleated for added surface area and molded into a urethane frame for an OE level of fitment.

If you put a lot of miles on your truck and haven’t checked your cabin air filter in a while, you may want to take a look at the K&N line of cabin air filters. A saturated cabin air filter can also put unnecessary strain on your blower motor, so switching to a cleanable filter could also help prevent costly repair bills and down time. To find out if K&N makes a replacement filter for your truck, you can use the K&N cross reference search and search for your filter manufacturer. And if you aren’t a truck driver, driving a Freightliner for a living, K&N makes washable cabin air filters for cars, trucks, and SUVs too. Check out K&N’s application tool to find the right product for your needs.

The K&N VF8000 was made for 2002-present Freightliner Columbia and Coronado trucks

The K&N VF8000 was made for 2002-present Freightliner Columbia and Coronado trucks
